
June 22, 2021 2023-09-22 14:12

Feedback made easy for your business.

Transform your offline business with the real-time feedback and marketing tools.

Get your 14-day free trial today. No debit/credit card is required.

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How to get Feedmoji?

From real-time feedback to insightful reports and actionable recommendations, we're here to help you every step of the way.

Let's get you started in 3 simple steps

1. Choose the subscription plan

Choose the right subscription plan that fits your business needs. We offer 3 different subscription plans (Silver, Gold, Platinum) which can be explored under the pricing section.

2. Receive your Feedmoji setup

We will send you the setup within 2-3 days. At the moment, we offer two types of setups (Feedmoji Table Stickers and Feedmoji Board Signs). Please refer to the ‘Add-On & Setup’ page to see what both setups look like.

3. Start collecting feedback

After receiving the setup, you are ready to take unlimited customer feedback. You will get your own Feedmoji Customer Dashboard to log in and explore customer insights.

Design that your customers will love.


Simple, yet powerful features

Base your decisions on real-time data and improve your product & services. Say no to verbal feedback.

#1 Feature

CSAT-Customer Satisfaction Score

Our CSAT survey experience is designed to be quick and easy for you and your customers. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, our CSAT surveys will provide valuable insights into the customer experience and help you achieve your goals.

#2 Feature

NPS-Net Promoter Score

Our company specializes in offering Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys to help businesses gain valuable insights into their customers' experiences and satisfaction levels. Our platform is user-friendly and customizable, allowing you to gather real-time feedback from your customers and easily measure the success of your customer experience initiatives. 

#3 Feature

CES-Customer Effort Score

With our CES surveys, you can identify pain points in the customer journey and take action to improve the overall customer experience. Our insights and reporting tools will give you a comprehensive understanding of the effort required to meet customer expectations and help you drive customer loyalty and business growth.

Why Feedmoji?

With a customer feedback tool, you can collect and analyze data to identify trends and patterns in customer feedback. This information can be used to inform business decisions and improve customer experience.

Key Customer Experience KPIs

Customer Experience KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are measurable metrics used by businesses to evaluate the performance and success of their customer-related initiatives, products and services.

Gather Unlimited Feedback

Gather unlimited feedback from customers or stakeholders without any limitations on the quantity or frequency of feedback.

3 Marketing Add-Ons

Marketing add-ons are the additional tools, features, or enhancements that can be added to a marketing strategy or campaign to augment its effectiveness or functionality.

Multiple Locations

Implement Feedmoji in multiple locations for your business such as having multiple storefronts, branches, or offices in different geographic locations.

User-centric Dashboard

Our dashboard is designed to be easily understood and navigated without the need for extensive training or explanation, allowing users to quickly grasp the key insights and metrics presented.

Team Performance

With our team performance feature, you can measure the effectiveness and productivity of the team as a whole.

Start your 14-days Free trial

Discover what matters, grow your business with customer feedback


Our 3 Marketing Add-ons

We offer 3 marketing add-ons along with the top 3 features (CSAT/NPS/CES) that will help your business in customer acquisition, brand loyalty, and retention.

Add on #1 (Customer Acquisition)

Reviews-Google, TripAdvisor, Yelp

Encourage satisfied customers to leave a positive review on Google/Yelp/Tripadvisor by providing excellent service and making it easy for them to do so. Stay on top of new reviews and monitor your overall rating to ensure that your business is presenting a positive image to potential customers.

Add On #2 (Brand Loyalty )

Digital Stamp Cards

Offering a reward for repeat purchases can increase customer loyalty, encouraging customers to keep coming back and spend more money with the business. Digital stamp cards eliminate the need for physical cards or paper punch cards, making it easier and more efficient for both the business and the customer.

Add on #3 (Customer Retention)

Discount Coupons

Discount campaigns can be an effective way for businesses to attract new customers and drive sales. Discounts can attract current and new customers who are looking for a good deal and might become repeat customers in the future. A well-promoted discount campaign can help spread the word about the business and build brand awareness.