
No hidden fees, no limits


June 11, 2021 2023-09-22 13:39

Choose from our 3 different subscription plans

We provide the easiest and most affordable customer feedback & marketing solution for your business.


Charged Monthly
ink. MwSt. 19 %
Zwischensumme 8.10 €/Monat MwSt. 19 % 1,89 €/Monat
  • Customer Satisfaction Survey
  • Setup - Board Sign or Stickers
  • For extra board signs - €4.99/sign
  • Unlimited Feedback
  • Intuitive Dashboard
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Social media placement
  • Review Add-on
  • #1 Google Review Add-on
  • #2 Yelp Review Add-on
  • #3 Tripadvisor Review Add-on
No Credit/Debit card required for 14-days trial period.


Charged Monthly
ink. MwSt. 19 %
Zwischensumme 14.57 €/Monat MwSt. 19 % 3,41 €/Monat
  • Customer Satisfaction Survey
  • Net Promoter Score Survey
  • Setup - Board Sign or Stickers
  • For extra board signs - €4.99/sign
  • Editable Survey Questions
  • Unlimited Feedback
  • Intuitive Dashboard
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Custom Logo Placement
  • Social media placement
  • Review Add-on
  • #1 Google Review Add-on
  • #2 Yelp Review Add-on
  • #3 Tripadvisor Review Add-on
  • Discount Coupon Add-on
No Credit/Debit card required for 14-days trial period.


Charged Monthly
ink. MwSt. 19 %
Zwischensumme 16.19 €/Monat MwSt. 19 % 3,79 €/Monat
  • Customer Satisfaction Survey
  • Net Promoter Score Survey
  • Customer Effort Score Survey
  • Setup - Board Sign or Stickers
  • For extra board signs - €4.99/sign
  • Editable Survey Questions
  • Unlimited Feedback
  • Intuitive Dashboard
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Custom Logo Placement
  • Social media placement
  • Review Add-on
  • #1 Google Review Add-on
  • #2 Yelp Review Add-on
  • #3 Tripadvisor Review Add-on
  • Discount Coupon Add-on
  • Multiple Locations (Max. 2)
  • Digital Stamp Cards Add-on
  • Team Performance
No Credit/Debit card required for 14-days trial period.

Start your 14-day free trial today!

Optimize your marketing strategy with feedback-driven insights


We're here to help you make the right decision.

What happens after 14 days free trial?

Following the 14-day trial period, you have two options: keep using the product and choose your subscription plan Or you can stop using it and let us know that you’d not like to use our product.

You can reach out to us at 

How long does it take to setup this for my business?

It takes hardly 2-3 minutes to get started with the Feedmoji set-up. Depending on which setup you have chosen, on average it will take less than 5 minutes. 

How can I get more board signs or stickers?

With each subscription plan, you will receive a single board sign or stickers depending on what you have chosen. If you would like to get extra signs or stickers, you can get them for €4.99.

I have more than 2 locations where I want to use Feedmoji, What should I do?

For the first two locations, you will be provided either 2 board signs or stickers whichever option you chose. For more locations, you would have to pay €4.99 per location for the board signs or stickers. 

Do you provide customer support?

Yes, our customer service is available around-the-clock. Please reach out to us at

Does feedmoji work for all kinds of businesses?

Yes, feedmoji works for all kinds of businesses. You can always reach out to our team to request a demo to see whether our services can be used for your offline or online businesses, and a specialist will get in touch with you to go through your needs and help you choose the right subscription plan.